Posted: April 6, 2020
Recommended daily activities for the week of Monday, April 6th 2020
- Reading in French (15 minutes);
- Speaking or listening in French (15 minutes);
- Writing in French (15 minutes);
- Mathematics (15 minutes).
Reading: I suggest that students read daily in French. In order to make more French books available at home, I have signed up the entire class for a free 90-day trial to the website “”, which contains a library of leveled French reading books. I will be posting a video tutorial on my Teacher Page about how to log in and navigate the site.
For this week you can concentrate on just reading, and we will start asking questions about what they read later.
Speaking: As with any language, it helps to practice speaking a language to learn it. If possible, talk with your child, in French, daily. You can talk about routine things like the weather, how their day went, or how they are feeling. As a guide, here is a list of sentenced structures (Questions and answers) that we practiced throughout the school year so far. Obviously, we do not expect you to go over all of these with your child. These are merely a variety of suggestions *If you are not comfortable communicating with your child in French at home, feel free to skip below, to a list of alternate activities.
- [What do you eat to stay healthy ? / To stay healthy, I eat (examples : a banana, chicken…)] :
Qu’est-ce que tu manges pour être en bonne santé? / Pour être en bonne santé, je mange… (p. ex., une banane et du poulet…) ;
- [What do you do to stay healthy? / To stay healthy, I (examples: dance and I play soccer)] : Qu’est-ce que tu fais pour rester en bonne santé? / Pour rester en bonne santé, je…. (p. ex., danse et je joue au soccer) ;
- [What do you do to take care of your body? / To take care of my body, I… (brush my teeth twice per day…)] :
Qu’est-ce que tu fais pour prendre soin de ton corps? / Pour prendre soin de mon corps, je…. (p. ex., me brosse les dents deux fois par jour…) ;
- [What does a good friend do? / A good friend… (examples: shares his toys, plays with me, consoles me when I am feeling sad.)]:
Que fais un bon ami? / Un bon ami est… (p.ex., quelqu’un qui partage ses jouets, quelqu’un qui joue avec moi, quelqu’un qui me console quand je suis triste) ;
- [What do you do to keep your friends? / To keep my friends, I (am nice with them every day…)] :
Qu’est-ce que tu fais pour garder tes amis? / Pour garder mes amis, je (p. ex., suis gentil(le) à tous les jours …)
- [How do you feel? / I feel (happy, sad, angry…)] :
Comment te sens‑tu? / Je me sens (content, triste, fâché…).
- [What do you do when you are (happy, sad, angry)? / When I am (happy, sad, angry…) I __________.] :
Qu’est‑ce que tu fais quand tu es (content, triste, fâché(e)…)? / Quand je suis (content, triste, fâché(e)…), je ___________.
After these specific structures, we had followed up with a more “open ended” dialogue, where students where encouraged to talk about and ask questions about animals, the life cycles of the frog, plants, and butterflies, as well as the different states of matter (gas, liquid, and solid, or “gaz, liquide et solide” in French) for water (steam, water, and ice, or “vapeur, eau et glace” in French. Therefore, these are all potential topics that you could discuss with your child in French.
*If you are not comfortable speaking in French with your child, you can instead have your child listen to a French show on TV, YouTube, or on an online streaming platform such as Netflix or Disney Jr, or watch a YouTube video of someone reading a French children’s book aloud.
Here are two examples of a TV episode available on YouTube: (Paw Patrol) (Princess Sophia)
Writing: Take some time to do some personal writing in French this week. You child can write about what they did recently, or something that happened recently, and how they felt about it. If, for example, you went walking in a trail nearby, what did your child see during that walk? Was the weather sunny or cloudy? Did they enjoy the walk? How did it make them feel?
Note: Please keep in mind that your child does not need to write the entire text in one sitting. This would likely take much more than 15 minutes. In class, students often require multiple writing periods spread over a few days to finish a writing assignment.
- Counting Circle (I will post a video demonstration of a counting circle on the site): Count in jumps of 5 from 0 to 100, forwards and backwards.
- Practice learning “Doubles” by heart for two days, and “Friends of 10” by heart for two days. To do this, you can:
(1) read the table of doubles and “Friends of 10” (Under the “Documents” tab of the site)
(2) quiz your child (ex.: what’s 6+6? [Que fait 6+6?] or;
(3) play the memory games which I will add to the “documents” section of the site. (You will need to print it or make your own cards using paper. If the paper is too thin, use glue to stick a 2nd layer of paper on the back of your cards.) It is a basic memory game, but instead of matching identical cards, you want to match the equation with the answer. For example, if the first card is “12”, and the second card is “6+6”, you have found a match (6+6=12).