Posted: June 20, 2013
Dear Parents,
I would like to remind you to please send notification of how your child will be going home tomorrow , Friday, June 21st, our final morning of Grade one. If you haven't already returned your note listing if your child is getting the bus , going to the after school program or getting picked up tomorrow and by whom, please send a note tomorrow morning with your child. Our Assembly will be at 9:30am and the students will start to be dismissed at 11:20am.
I must say I will be very sad to see all my wonderful students set off for their summer vacation tomorrow, but I know they are all ready to enjoy some down time with their families and get rejuvenated for another school year when they return to school to start their Grade 2 adventure.
Thank you for filling my bucket this year Grade one and working to your maximum potential in being the best students that you could be!
I will miss you all, but you will all be foreverThank you to all my wonderful Grade One Students! in my heart...
Mrs. Landry:-)