General Home and School Meeting - tomorrow night, Tuesday, March 10th, 6:30 pm

Posted: March 9, 2015

A message from your Home and school President:  Well,  just like that the time is here once again and, thus, the main focus of Tuesday's meeting will be the upcoming Easter Basket Acution. To many of our new parents, the Easter Basket Auction is a new event and let me be the first to tell you it's a fun one!  I'm sure in the weeks to come, your children will be coming home describing many baskets that they see displayed in the school lobby!  The Easter Basket Auction is our main fund raiser that helps out with special school projects.  This year, after surveying the students and teachers, the Home and School has decided that the funds will help contribute to a new Art and Science Center!  How fun will it be for students to work on a project hands on without having to tear down all their work because the bell rang?  We hope to make this a reality for them and look forward to having your ideas and support at tomorrow evening's meeting.  please note that childcare will be provided. If you need any further information, please feel free to contact me by email at or text 506-545-0575 or home 545-6133 and let me know if you can spare some time I would appreciate it. Jodie Grant-Lavigne