Pizza Party on Wednesday

Posted: December 13, 2012


Tue, Dec 18/12 8:00 pm
Since the elementary students (Grades 3-5) are having their Christmas production on Wednesday, followed by their Christmas dinner, the cafeteria will not be available on that day.  Because of this grade one students will be having a pizza party.  Mrs. Landry and I will be providing drinks and desserts.  The cost of the pizza is $3.00.  Your child can choose between pizza or garlic fingers.  If you have not already sent in money please do so by Monday.  If you've lost your blue slip, just send in money with a note for pizza OR garlic fingers.  You do not have to participate in this.  If your child would prefer to bring their own lunch that's fine too.  We'll still offer drinks and dessert. In the event of a snow day, we'll reschedule for another day.   Also, your child may wear their pajama's and bring in special teddy bear that day!