Mr. Godin

Mr Daniel's Grade 2 French Immersion Teacher Page

Posted: April 27, 2020

Recommended daily activities for the week of Monday, April 27th 2020

-          Reading in French (15 minutes);

-          Speaking or listening in French (10 minutes);

-          Frequent Words / Sound of the week (10 minutes);

-          Writing in French (10 minutes);

-          Mathematics (15 minutes).

Reading: Continue to read daily in French at home, using either books at home or other sources, such as

Continue reading in the same fashion as usual: That is, once your child has finished reading their book, you can start asking your child to retell the story they have just read, in French if possible. The goal here is to have the student retell as much of the story (and details) as possible by simply asking them to tell you what they’ve read. Additional questions (for example: And then what happened? Who are the characters in this story?) should only be asked when necessary. Afterwards, as an optional activity, you may ask comprehension questions, such as the ones provided in the “Kidsa-z” website.



-          Continue speaking in French with your child. You may continue discussing topics mentioned in last week’s notes if you wish. Or, move on to other subjects of discussion.

-          (Extra activity) - Read-Alouds: If you have a public library card, you can access French read-aloud books that are read to your child by the site. To access these books, go to the kids section of the NB Public Libraries website ( , scroll down a bit and click on “Biblioenfants (TumbleBooks)”. You will then be asked to enter your public library card #. Once you’ve done this, you can click on the book you want to read, then click on the “play button” (Regarder en ligne) on the left of the screen.

On a side note, this site also gives you access to other resources, such as puzzles and informative videos. You may use these as well if you wish.

After having listened to the book, you can have a discussion with your child about the book. You can ask questions such as “What was your favorite part of the book?” “Which part did you like the least?” If you wish, you can also extend the activity by having your child make a drawing of their favorite part (or another part), and then have them explain their drawing to you in French.

*If you are not comfortable speaking in French with your child and you do not have a public library card, you can instead have your child listen to a French show on TV, YouTube, or on an online streaming platform such as Netflix or Disney Jr, or watch a YouTube video of someone reading a French children’s book aloud.


Writing: I am aware that most of you have likely not finished last week’s “Time capsule” assignment, as that document is 19 pages long. It now becomes an optional assignment – you may finish it if you want, and at your own pace.

This week’s suggested writing assignment also doubles as a French speaking activity: Play “Qui suis-je”? (“Who/What am I?” Guessing game) Have your child choose a subject or something that has to be guessed by other people. Then, ask your child to make cards or write down hints (in French) that will help other people guess what they’re thinking of. They’ve done this with animals in class before, and you can expand the game to include other subjects.

Frequent words: I will be posting a new “frequent words” video to present 3 new words this week. Instructions are the same as last week:

“This video will present these words in the same manner that I usually present my frequent words in class: I will present the word (and translate for parents), use it in a sentence, and then say the word by sounds and then by syllable. For this week, take a few minutes per day to practice these words with your child. You can, for example, ask your child to read the word and use it in a sentence, or you can play games with these words (like “hangman”). The goal is for your child to use and familiarize him/herself with these words. (Also, when playing games, feel free to add the other frequent words which we have practiced over the year. They’re the words we wrote in the agenda each week.)”


New sound of the week: Listen to the video presenting the new sound. From there, in class we usually try to integrate the practice of this sound into our other practices. To do this at home, you can, for example, show your child the list of frequent words and ask your child to find which words have the new sound in them. You can also look for this sound in a book after you have finished reading. The idea is to focus on this sound (how it is written and how it sounds) so your child can become familiar with it.


  1. Counting Circle: For this week, practice, if necessary, the counting circles that we have done so far this year. This includes:

-          counting from 0 to 100, forwards and backwards, in jumps of 2, 5 and 10. You can start and stop on any multiple of these. (For example, if counting in jumps of 5, you could ask you child to count from 55 to 95, but not from 52 to 92.)

-          counting in jumps of 10, up to 100, forwards only, and starting on a number between 1 and 9. (For example: 4, 14, 24, 34, […] 84, 94.)

Note: There is only one more “count” to add to the counting circle this year. I’m saving that one for next week.


  1. Additions up to 100

*If necessary, practice additions and subtractions up to 18 before moving on to this.


This week, please practice additions with a sum no greater than 100. The mental additions that you’ve practiced the past 2 weeks will be useful here (Bridging through 10, Doubles, etc.)

Start by looking at the “Addition strategies” document and the related “How to” video, which demonstrates the method(s) currently used in school to practice additions (and subtractions).

Afterwards, write down a few additions for your child to solve.

*At the start, I advise you to check your child’s work after each number. For now, I would advise against doing a large number of additions and correcting all of them at the end, as this may result in “practicing mistakes”.


  1. Optional STEAM activities: If you wish, feel free to do any of the “STEAM” activities that are on the district’s “STEAM” website ( ). You just need to open the document for the week of your choice, choose the document intended for the French Immersion students (instructions are in English), find the K-2 section, and complete the assigned task(s).


That is all for this week. As always, if you would like feedback on the work you have done, send me a picture or a video of your work by e-mail and I will be happy to provide feedback. I am also available to offer help or to answer questions. You can contact me by e-mail at, or message me through ClassDojo.


As always, stay safe and have a good week!

Mr Daniel Godin

Posted: April 20, 2020

Words of the week: souvent, place, rester.

Posted: April 19, 2020

Here is a list of this year's ''Frequent Words'' (They're the words we wrote in the agenda every week.)

PDF icon grade_2_frequent_words.pdf430.45 KB

Posted: April 19, 2020

PDF icon capsule_de_temps.pdf1.21 MB

Recommended daily activities for the week of Monday, April 20th 2020

-          Reading in French (15 minutes);

-          Speaking or listening in French (10 minutes);

-          Frequent Words (10 minutes);

-          Writing in French (10 minutes);

-          Mathematics (15 minutes).

Reading: Continue to read daily in French at home, using either books at home or other sources, such as

Continue reading in the same fashion as last week: That is, once your child has finished reading their book, you can start asking your child to retell the story they have just read, in French if possible. The goal here is to have the student retell as much of the story (and details) as possible by simply asking them to tell you what they’ve read. Additional questions (for example: And then what happened? Who are the characters in this story?) should only be asked when necessary. Afterwards, as an optional activity, you may ask comprehension questions, such as the ones provided in the “Kidsa-z” website.


Speaking: Continue speaking in French with your child. You may continue discussing topics mentioned in last week’s notes or use this time to discuss in French (and work on) this week’s writing assignment. (See below)

*If you are not comfortable speaking in French with your child, you can instead have your child listen to a French show on TV, YouTube, or on an online streaming platform such as Netflix or Disney Jr, or watch a YouTube video of someone reading a French children’s book aloud.


Writing: For this week, I have added a “Time capsule” project as the writing assignment. This document contains many activities, so do not feel obligated to complete the entire document. Have a look through the pages: do the activities you wish to do, and skip those you would rather not do. Keep in mind that writing assignments should only take around 10 minutes per day for this week. However, you are free to work on this for more than 10 minutes per day if you choose to do so.


Frequent words: I will be posting a video on my page which presents 3 “frequent words” for this week. Please listen to it. This video will present these words in the same manner that I usually present my frequent words in class: I will present the word (and translate for parents), use it in a sentence, and then say the word by sounds and then by syllable. For this week, take a few minutes per day to practice these words with your child. You can, for example, ask your child to read the word and use it in a sentence, or you can play games with these words (like “hangman”). The goal is for your child to use and familiarize him/herself with these words. (Also, when playing games, feel free to add the other frequent words which we have practiced over the year. They’re the words we wrote in the agenda each week.)

I will also be posting this year’s list of frequent words in case parents want to use the document.



  1. Counting Circle (another video demonstration will be posted on the site): Count in jumps of 10, up to 100, forwards only, and starting on a number between 1 and 9. (For example: 4, 14, 24, 34, […] 84, 94.)


  1. Monday, Wednesday, Friday:


Note: For this part, it is best to use additions with sums (answers) that are no more than 20.



  1. Practice transforming additions into subtractions (ex: 8+4=12 -> 12-4=8) and vice-versa. You can practice this by simply writing down an addition and ask you child to write the matching subtraction. (They’ve practiced this a bit in class before.) Another way to practice would be to play a matching game: write down a few additions (around 5) and their matching subtractions. Have your child “match” each addition with the proper subtraction.
  2. Once the above strategy has been practiced, use it to solve equations. For example, you could ask “9+ ? = 15”. To find the missing number (?), your child should write down and solve the matching subtraction (15-9=?):





15-9=6    ->   9+6=15


  1. Tuesday and Thursday: There is a district “STEAM Team” which prepares STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) activities for the district’s teachers and students. I encourage you to go on their website ( )and see what kind of activities they have available for you. Open the document for the week of April 13th for the French Immersion students (instructions are in English), find the K-2 section, and complete the task under “Numeracy”. All other activities are extras.


That is all for this week. As always, I am available to offer feedback and to answer questions. You can contact me by e-mail at, or message me through ClassDojo.


Stay safe and have a good week!

Mr Daniel Godin

To help with your child's writing, here is a list of all the frequent words seen in grades 1 and 2.

Hello Parkwood families! I know that our current situation can be difficult, and that home learning may cause extra stress. Please know that your school family is thinking about all of you and want to help however we can. Your teachers and staff at Parkwood are still here to support you if you need help. If you are looking for information or support, please feel free to contact me through e-mail. If we don’t have the means to help, we will direct you to organizations in our community that can. Please remember to take care of yourselves and your family!

Daniel Doucet:


Posted: April 16, 2020

PDF icon letter_for_those_who_need_support.pdf237.82 KB

Posted: April 14, 2020

This video demonstrates how to do "Bridging through 10" with a "10 frame"


Image Galleries

Added: Mon, May 25 2020


Added: Wed, Jan 12 2022


Grade 2 Frequent Words List
Writing assignment - Time capsule
Dictionary of Grade 1 and 2 frequent words
Letter for those who need support