Mr. Godin

Mr Daniel's Grade 2 French Immersion Teacher Page

Recommended daily activities for the week of Monday, April 20th 2020

-          Reading in French (15 minutes);

-          Speaking or listening in French (10 minutes);

-          Frequent Words (10 minutes);

-          Writing in French (10 minutes);

-          Mathematics (15 minutes).

Reading: Continue to read daily in French at home, using either books at home or other sources, such as

Continue reading in the same fashion as last week: That is, once your child has finished reading their book, you can start asking your child to retell the story they have just read, in French if possible. The goal here is to have the student retell as much of the story (and details) as possible by simply asking them to tell you what they’ve read. Additional questions (for example: And then what happened? Who are the characters in this story?) should only be asked when necessary. Afterwards, as an optional activity, you may ask comprehension questions, such as the ones provided in the “Kidsa-z” website.


Speaking: Continue speaking in French with your child. You may continue discussing topics mentioned in last week’s notes or use this time to discuss in French (and work on) this week’s writing assignment. (See below)

*If you are not comfortable speaking in French with your child, you can instead have your child listen to a French show on TV, YouTube, or on an online streaming platform such as Netflix or Disney Jr, or watch a YouTube video of someone reading a French children’s book aloud.


Writing: For this week, I have added a “Time capsule” project as the writing assignment. This document contains many activities, so do not feel obligated to complete the entire document. Have a look through the pages: do the activities you wish to do, and skip those you would rather not do. Keep in mind that writing assignments should only take around 10 minutes per day for this week. However, you are free to work on this for more than 10 minutes per day if you choose to do so.


Frequent words: I will be posting a video on my page which presents 3 “frequent words” for this week. Please listen to it. This video will present these words in the same manner that I usually present my frequent words in class: I will present the word (and translate for parents), use it in a sentence, and then say the word by sounds and then by syllable. For this week, take a few minutes per day to practice these words with your child. You can, for example, ask your child to read the word and use it in a sentence, or you can play games with these words (like “hangman”). The goal is for your child to use and familiarize him/herself with these words. (Also, when playing games, feel free to add the other frequent words which we have practiced over the year. They’re the words we wrote in the agenda each week.)

I will also be posting this year’s list of frequent words in case parents want to use the document.



  1. Counting Circle (another video demonstration will be posted on the site): Count in jumps of 10, up to 100, forwards only, and starting on a number between 1 and 9. (For example: 4, 14, 24, 34, […] 84, 94.)


  1. Monday, Wednesday, Friday:


Note: For this part, it is best to use additions with sums (answers) that are no more than 20.



  1. Practice transforming additions into subtractions (ex: 8+4=12 -> 12-4=8) and vice-versa. You can practice this by simply writing down an addition and ask you child to write the matching subtraction. (They’ve practiced this a bit in class before.) Another way to practice would be to play a matching game: write down a few additions (around 5) and their matching subtractions. Have your child “match” each addition with the proper subtraction.
  2. Once the above strategy has been practiced, use it to solve equations. For example, you could ask “9+ ? = 15”. To find the missing number (?), your child should write down and solve the matching subtraction (15-9=?):





15-9=6    ->   9+6=15


  1. Tuesday and Thursday: There is a district “STEAM Team” which prepares STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) activities for the district’s teachers and students. I encourage you to go on their website ( )and see what kind of activities they have available for you. Open the document for the week of April 13th for the French Immersion students (instructions are in English), find the K-2 section, and complete the task under “Numeracy”. All other activities are extras.


That is all for this week. As always, I am available to offer feedback and to answer questions. You can contact me by e-mail at, or message me through ClassDojo.


Stay safe and have a good week!

Mr Daniel Godin

To help with your child's writing, here is a list of all the frequent words seen in grades 1 and 2.

Hello Parkwood families! I know that our current situation can be difficult, and that home learning may cause extra stress. Please know that your school family is thinking about all of you and want to help however we can. Your teachers and staff at Parkwood are still here to support you if you need help. If you are looking for information or support, please feel free to contact me through e-mail. If we don’t have the means to help, we will direct you to organizations in our community that can. Please remember to take care of yourselves and your family!

Daniel Doucet:


Posted: April 16, 2020

PDF icon letter_for_those_who_need_support.pdf237.82 KB

Posted: April 14, 2020

This video demonstrates how to do "Bridging through 10" with a "10 frame"

Posted: April 13, 2020

PDF icon images_for_writing_assignment.pdf681.86 KB

Recommended daily activities for the week of Tuesday, April 14th 2020

-          Reading in French (15 minutes);

-          Speaking or listening in French (15 minutes);

-          Writing in French (15 minutes);

-          Mathematics (15 minutes).

Reading: Continue to read daily in French at home, using either books at home or other sources, such as

For this week you can start asking your child to retell the story they have just read, in French if possible. The goal here is to have the student retell as much of the story (and details) as possible by simply asking them to tell you what they’ve read. Additional questions (for example: And then what happened? Who are the characters in this story?) should only be asked when necessary. Once your child can properly retell a story, then he will be ready to answer comprehension questions about the books. (Such as the ones provided in the “Kidsa-z” website.)


Speaking: Continue speaking in French with your child. For your convenience, I am repeating last week’s notes below:

You can talk about routine things like the weather, how their day went, or how they are feeling. As a guide, here is a list of sentenced structures (Questions and answers) that we practiced throughout the school year so far. Obviously, we do not expect you to go over all of these with your child. These are merely a variety of suggestions *If you are not comfortable communicating with your child in French at home, feel free to skip below, to a list of alternate activities.

  • [What do you eat to stay healthy ? / To stay healthy, I eat (examples : a banana, chicken…)] :

Qu’est-ce que tu manges pour être en bonne santé? / Pour être en bonne santé, je mange… (p. ex., une banane et du poulet…) ;


  • [What do you do to stay healthy? / To stay healthy, I (examples: dance and I play soccer)] : Qu’est-ce que tu fais pour rester en bonne santé? / Pour rester en bonne santé, je…. (p. ex., danse et je joue au soccer) ;


  • [What do you do to take care of your body? / To take care of my body, I… (brush my teeth twice per day…)] :

Qu’est-ce que tu fais pour prendre soin de ton corps? / Pour prendre soin de mon corps, je…. (p. ex., me brosse les dents deux fois par jour…) ;


  • [What does a good friend do? / A good friend… (examples: shares his toys, plays with me, consoles me when I am feeling sad.)]:

Que fais un bon ami? / Un bon ami est… (p.ex., quelqu’un qui partage ses jouets, quelqu’un qui joue avec moi, quelqu’un qui me console quand je suis triste) ;


  • [What do you do to keep your friends? / To keep my friends, I (am nice with them every day…)] :

Qu’est-ce que tu fais pour garder tes amis? / Pour garder mes amis, je (p. ex., suis gentil(le) à tous les jours …)


  • [How do you feel? / I feel (happy, sad, angry…)] :

Comment te sens‑tu? / Je me sens (content, triste, fâché…).

  • [What do you do when you are (happy, sad, angry)? / When I am (happy, sad, angry…) I __________.] :

Qu’est‑ce que tu fais quand tu es (content, triste, fâché(e)…)? / Quand je suis (content, triste, fâché(e)…), je ___________.

After these specific structures, we had followed up with a more “open ended” dialogue, where students where encouraged to talk about and ask questions about animals, the life cycles of the frog, plants, and butterflies, as well as the different states of matter (gas, liquid, and solid, or “gaz, liquide et solide” in French) for water (steam, water, and ice, or “vapeur, eau et glace” in French.  Therefore, these are all potential topics that you could discuss with your child in French.


*If you are not comfortable speaking in French with your child, you can instead have your child listen to a French show on TV, YouTube, or on an online streaming platform such as Netflix or Disney Jr, or watch a YouTube video of someone reading a French children’s book aloud.


Here are two examples of a TV episode available on YouTube:  (Paw Patrol)  (Princess Sophia)

*Also, feel free to watch other videos from these series

Writing: This week, ask your child to write a story based on an image that is given to them. This was our current (and unfinished) writing assignment before schools were closed. They’re free to choose the same image they had chosen at school or to choose a different image. (Look in “documents” to find the pictures.) They are simply asked to choose a picture, and then make up a story and write it down, using the image as inspiration to help them start things off.

Note: Please keep in mind that your child does not need to write the entire text in one sitting. This would likely take much more than 15 minutes. In class, students often require multiple writing periods spread over a few days to finish a writing assignment.



  1. Counting Circle (another video demonstration will be posted on the site): Count in jumps of 2 from 0 to 100, forwards and backwards.
  2. Once “Doubles” and “Friends of 10” have been properly learned (review last week’s assignment if necessary), you can move on to the following (again, I recommend practicing one for two days, and then the other for 2 days):
    1. From “Doubles”, we move on to “Doubles +/- 1 or 2”: Students need to use their knowledge of doubles to quickly solve additions that are close to doubles. These additions should be no more than 2 higher or lower than a double. (For example, 6+8 would be 2 more than the double 6+6=12, while 6+4 would be 2 less.)


Here is an example of a “doubles +1” to show you how this should go:

-          Parent or teacher: “What’s 6+7?”

-          Student: “Well, I know that 6+6=12… Since 6+7 is only 1 more than 6+6, then 6+7=13.”


*Also, the student can just as easily answer with: “Well, I know that 7+7=14… Since 6+7 is only 1 less than 7+7, then 6+7=13.”


  1. From “Friends of 10”, we move on to “Bridging through 10”. When bridging, not only do you make 10 like you did last week, but you’ll also go past 10 by adding whatever is left afterwards.


Example: If we ask a student to solve “What’s 8+6?” The student knows that to make 10, he needs to take 2 from the 6 and add it to his 8. So, he/she’ll start off by saying or writing that 8+2=10. From there, finish solving the equation by adding what’s left:



8+2=10 ; 10+4=14.




*See video for a more thorough explanation, as well as how to use a 10-frame to help practice the “Bridging through 10” technique.


As always, I am available to offer feedback and to answer questions. You can contact me by e-mail at, or message me through ClassDojo.


Stay safe and have a good week!

Mr Daniel Godin

Posted: April 6, 2020

PDF icon make_10_memory-go_fish_cards_1.pdf46.43 KB

Posted: April 6, 2020

PDF icon doubles_et_amis_de_10.pdf70.71 KB

Posted: April 6, 2020

PDF icon doubles_to_20_cards.pdf31.21 KB


Image Galleries

Added: Mon, May 25 2020


Added: Tue, Jan 25 2022


Images for writing assignment
Friends of 10 Memory Game
Doubles and Friends of 10 Chart
Doubles memory game