Ms. Landry

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: February 4, 2013


Tue, Feb 12/13 8:00 pm

Posted: February 4, 2013


Wed, Feb 13/13 8:00 pm
Two new reading activities will be sent home next week in your student's homework folders.  One will be on "Fluency" to help your students improve on the flow and speed of their reading. The second sheet will be on "nonsense" word reading.  Again this activity will help your students to decode new words to help improve their recognition of unfamilar words in the text.  Both activity sheets can stay at home and can be used nightly to help your child with their reading.  The more they work on this strategies, the better their reading will come along.    Have fun and remember to "KEEP READING".....

Posted: January 10, 2013


Wed, Jan 23/13 8:00 pm

Posted: January 10, 2013

The Grade one students are once again working on a community based school project for the SPCA.  Their first assignment will be to develop a powerpoint poster for our "Cookies for Critters" cookie sale in February.   Stay tuned for more to come on this wonderful enriching project for the students!

Posted: January 7, 2013

Notice to students and parents that there will be no homework the first week back to school.  We will be reviewing all the sight words we have covered up to Christmas.  Our next Mind Reader Spelling test will be on Friday, January 18th.
I am looking forward to seeing all my Grade 1 friends on Wednesday, January 9th.  I can't wait to hear all about your Christmas Vacation so don't forget to bring along any photos or one special item from Christmas that you might like to write about and share with the class..  See you very soon!
Merry Christmas to all my Grade One Friends!: Sending along heartfelt wishes to all my Grade one students for a FANTASTIC Christmas holiday. I can't wait to hear all about your holiday news in your writing when you return in 2013! Have a wonderful safe Christmas boys and girls.  Sending along heartfelt wishes to all my Grade one students for a FANTASTIC Christmas holiday. I can't wait to hear all about your holiday news in your writing when you return in 2013! Have a wonderful safe Christmas boys and girls.


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Added: Mon, Feb 2 2015


Added: Fri, Nov 29 2013