
Posted: May 4, 2015

The staff professional development meeting that was supposed to take place on Friday, May 8th, has been canceled and there will be classes as normal that day.

Posted: May 4, 2015

The Home and School meeting scheduled for tonight, May 4th, will be postponed until next week.  Please stay tuned for a new date.

Posted: April 28, 2015

Please click on READ MORE... 1. There are no classes for students this Thursday, April 30th and Friday, May 1st. These are scheduled meetings and professional development days for staff. 2. The last day to order school clothing is tomorrow, Wednesday, April 29th. Order forms were sent home last week with students. There are sample clothing items here in the office if you are uncertain of sizing. 3. Parents are asked to send in any pictures orders as soon as possible so that they can be sent to the company and ensure their return before school year's end.

Posted: April 21, 2015

April 30th is an NBTA Branch meeting for teachers, followed by Provincial Subject Counil Day on May 1st.

Posted: April 21, 2015

Congratulations to the BHS Music Department on a extraordinary production of Mary Poppins this weekend! We are especially proud of our ex-Parkwood students on a job well done! 

Posted: April 20, 2015

Registration for Chaleur Athletics is on Thursday April 30th, from 6pm until 7:30pm, in the lobby of the KC Irving Center. It is Registration for all of our Summer Programs, including 12 Challenges and Run Jump Throw, both programs are for children ages 6-12.  

Posted: March 13, 2015

Report cards for the second term will be given to students on Monday, March 23rd.  Parent-Teacher Interviews will follow on Thursday evening, March 26th and Friday morning, March 27th.  There will be NO CLASSES for students on Friday, March 26th.

Posted: March 9, 2015

There will be an important meeting for all Grade 5 parents regarding team selection on Thursday evening, March 12th in the SMS Cafeteria at 6:30 pm.

Posted: March 9, 2015

A message from your Home and school President:  Well,  just like that the time is here once again and, thus, the main focus of Tuesday's meeting will be the upcoming Easter Basket Acution. To many of our new parents, the Easter Basket Auction is a new event and let me be the first to tell you it's a fun one!  I'm sure in the weeks to come, your children will be coming home describing many baskets that they see displayed in the school lobby!  The Easter Basket Auction is our main fund raiser that helps out with special school projects.  This


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