Posted: March 4, 2016
Ms. Furlotte - Archived 04/20
Posted: March 4, 2016
Posted: March 4, 2016
Posted: March 4, 2016
Posted: March 4, 2016
Posted: February 15, 2016
there (Please keep practing this word, it's a tricky one.)
Due Date:
Posted: February 3, 2016
Posted: January 25, 2016
If your child has ever mentioned count around the circle, here is a video of one way we do it. Right now we're trying to break our record of counting to 100. Our current time to beat is one minute and sixteen seconds. We also use this activity to count backwards, and forwards by 2's, 5's and 10's, among other counting ways. We start every math class with a counting routine. Although it may seem repetitive, there are always different problem solving opportunities and it develops number fluency! Our students love this activity and love when they get bragging rights for breaking a new record!
Posted: January 25, 2016
Posted: January 25, 2016