Posted: October 8, 2015
Ms. Furlotte - Archived 04/20
Posted: October 3, 2015
Posted: September 23, 2015
Posted: September 23, 2015
Posted: September 23, 2015
Posted: September 23, 2015
Posted: September 23, 2015
Posted: December 20, 2013
Mrs. Bourque is our AMAZING Math Mentor who worked a lot in our class earlier this fall. She helped us a lot with counting. Grade 1B wanted to surprise her with a special Christmas gift. They can now count by two's all the way to 100!!!! Way to go grade one and thank you for all your help Mrs. Bourque!!! Merry Christmas PS - Sorry the video is sideways! Mrs. Furlotte forgot all about flipping it! :(
Posted: October 8, 2013
Posted: October 7, 2013
Let me start by saying, I'm sorry the video is sideways! I accidentally recorded it the wrong way and it can't be rotated. (I'll know for next time!) In this video Lexi was using our big floor number line. All students got a chance to use this. It helped students to realized they're skipping one number and saying the second number. For many kids this was a helpful tool in understanding how skip counting works! Keep practicing counting by 2's!