Ms. Furlotte - Archived 04/20

Kindergarten and Grade One
As a wrap up to our unit on Numbers to 100 and our work with skip counting, the students hosted a "Candy Shop" today.  They created posters and set prices to sell their candy.  All students had the opportunity to sell candy and shop as well.  The students got good practice counting out money in...
As a wrap up to our unit on Numbers to 100 and our work with skip counting, the students hosted a "Candy Shop" today.  They created posters and set prices to sell their candy.  All students had the opportunity to sell candy and shop as well.  The students got good practice counting out money in...

Posted: May 30, 2013

I was so impressed today when we were in the computer lab working on our habitat research project.  So many students were eager to help out their friends.  We have so many students who are quite tech savy!  In this video Marley-Rae helps Ashton look for interesting facts about his animal by reading the text to him!  Way to go Marley-Rae!

Posted: May 15, 2013

Can you believe it?  Another school year is winding down.  I will be placing our LAST book order of the year on Thursday, May 23.  This will ensure there's plenty of time for it to arrive before school ends.  What a great opportunity to stock up your child's library for the summer.   As always, I'd like to thank you for supporting literacy in our classrooms!  A percentage of the money you spend comes back to our classroom via books and learning materials! Book club flyers will be coming home with your child on Thursday, May 16.  =)

Posted: May 15, 2013


Wed, May 22/13 9:00 pm
This will be the last book order for the year.  Stock up for summer!

Posted: May 15, 2013

Grade one is wrapping up it's unit on measurement.  I'm sure the kids will all agree it was a lot of fun!  It was a very hands on unit that the students did very well with!  The big ideas in this unit was learning that if you want to compare something, you need to use the same unit of measurement...

Posted: May 13, 2013

1B is currently working on a science unit about seeds.  We're looking for lots of different kinds of seeds.  If you're garderning or if you're eating some food this week that has seeds in it, would you please send some in?  We'd appreciate it if you could label the seeds so that we know what they are.  =) IMPORTANT:  Due to allergies, please don't send in anything from the peanut or nut family. Thanks for your help, The kids of 1B
Today, grade one was very fortunate to have Janet Doucet, from Daly's Point Nature Reserve, come visit our class to teach us about habitat's in New Brunswick.  This presentation was a kick off to our upcoming project on habitat's.  The children are excited to get started!  Thank you so much to...

Posted: May 9, 2013

Grade one has been working on measurement.  Currently, we're working on area and covering.  Students are learning efficient ways of finding the area of something using not standard units, like cards instead of mm, cm, m etc.  The children have discovered that it's important to make sure all your...

Posted: April 30, 2013

Just a little reminder that since we're approaching the end of the school year, all book orders for May need to be in by tomorrow so that we may get June's order out with enough time for it to come in before school ends.  Thank you for supporting Literacy in our classroom!


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